From a high level perspective this is how BLS (also known as Boneh–Lynn–Shacham) signature scheme works.
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From a high level perspective this is how BLS (also known as Boneh–Lynn–Shacham) signature scheme works.
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In simple terms, hash functions transform input data of arbitrary size (e.g. text, binary, etc) to fixed-length output (called hash value, hash code, fingerprint, message digest or simply hash) in a deterministic way. What else?
[Read More]A cryptographic commitment scheme is a way of committing to a statement without revealing the statement itself or reveal it at a later time.
[Read More]The easiest way to understand Elliptic Curve (EC), point addition, scalar multiplication and trapdoor function; explained with simple graphs and animations.
[Read More]Zero-knowledge is a method to prove that you know a secret ``x`` (e.g. a password, private key, piece of knowledge, etc) without revealing that secret.
[Read More]— layout: post title: "Zero-knowledge proofs" subtitle: Cryptography date: 2019-08-26 tags: ["cryptography", "zero-knowledge-proof", "math", "python", "zcash"] —
[Read More]EC-Schnorr, as the name suggests, is a Schnorr-type digital signature scheme over elliptic curve, it's ECDSA's little sister and Schnorr's big brother implemented in the upcoming MuSig in Bitcoin.
[Read More]Schnorr is another digital signature scheme known for its simplicity, no division, no inversion, just plain old multiplication. Here is my simple 16 lines implementation in Python.
[Read More]Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) and digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) are more complex than RSA or ElGamal but I will try my best to hide the hairy math and the implementation details.
[Read More]ElGamal is a public key cryptosystem that is used in encryption , digital signature and homomorphic cryptography.
Here is my take in 12 lines of Python code:
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