Generate Monero address from the root private key using plain old Python, Edwards curve's ed25519 implementation, Keccak-256 hashing and Monero's Base58 encoding.
Very simple Python code using the original Edwards elliptic curve ( Python2 implementation.
sk = 50150511263649120662242166448273279564834046212138956557558374591624601073410
sk_hex = '%x' % sk
print('private spend key: ' + sk_hex)
import ed25519
hexdigest = keccak(int_to_bin(sk))
vk = bytes_to_int(hex_to_bytes(reverse(hexdigest)))
vk %= ed25519.l
vk_hex = reverse(bytes_to_hex(int_to_bytes(vk)))
print('private view key: ' + vk_hex)
Ps = publickey(sk_hex)
ps = bin_to_hex(Ps)
print('public spend key: ' + ps)
Pv = publickey(vk_hex)
pv = bin_to_hex(Pv)
print('public view key: ' + pv)
network = '12'
data = network + ps + pv
hexdigest = keccak(hex_to_bin(data))
payload = data + hexdigest[0:8]
address = base58(payload)
print('address: ' + address)
private spend key: 6ee02ef8647856f4080882a1ec4fabee19ec047ca24d3abb13c0ce589a46f702 private view key: fba03c096736c326b072fe44fc5c2868009986fb7e89e64bfd52f071d7e9b307 public spend key: 287fe37fc3c6b9309cacb2ea3882aed8b01a4e00343b6a0aa7cac956a5ed6011 public view key: 36f877980a7916f5f293b6986d0099dbb46b82b9f8d2ff61fb12422b507260e6 address: 43A8A4fqgD698bedTnjaqBdF9MgHEiiCq2nNXNMtqzNj3t1Fv2VsDc9i8zyFh6srcgdkQs5bhpwrvHPY646xu8ijT3Bdxse
Please read step by step details below.
0. Private key
Just a very big number.
k = 50150511263649120662242166448273279564834046212138956557558374591624601073410
1. Private spend key
Spend key is just the root private key in hex.
sk = k
sk_hex = '%x' % sk
2. Private view key
To calculate private view key we need to introduce a few helper methods to transform from int/hex to bytes and vice-versa. We also need Keccak hashing function.
def bytes_to_int(bin):
return reduce(lambda r, n: r * 256 + n, [int(c) for c in bin])
def int_to_bytes(value):
return list(reversed([int(value >> (i * 8) & 0xff) for i in range(32)]))
def int_to_bin(n):
return ''.join([chr(b)for b in int_to_bytes(n)])
def hex_to_bytes(hex):
return map(lambda x: int(x, 16), split(hex))
def bytes_to_hex(bytes):
return ''.join(['%02x' % b for b in bytes])
def bin_to_hex(bin):
return ''.join(['%02x' % ord(c) for c in bin])
def hex_to_bin(hex):
return ''.join(chr(b) for b in hex_to_bytes(hex))
def reverse(hex):
return ''.join(reversed(split(hex)))
def split(hex):
return [hex[i*2:i*2+2] for i in range(32)]
def keccak(bin):
import sha3
h = sha3.keccak_256()
return h.hexdigest()
The derivation logic is as follows:
- hash the private spend key with Keccak hashing function (note that SHA3 != Keccak)
- transform the hash digest to integer (little endian, mind the reverse method)
- take modulo operation to reduce
- and finally the resulting hex (little endian again) is our private view key
import ed25519
hexdigest = keccak(int_to_bin(sk))
vk = bytes_to_int(hex_to_bytes(reverse(hexdigest)))
vk %= ed25519.l
vk_hex = reverse(bytes_to_hex(int_to_bytes(vk)))
3. Public spend key
Public key is a point on Edwards25519 elliptic curve and key derivation is best explained here.
What our little publickey method does is as simple as:
- transform private key hex to binary string
- decode binary string into integer
- execute elliptic curve multiplication P = a*B
- encode result elliptic curve point into binary string
def publickey(k_hex):
k_bin = hex_to_bin(k_hex)
a = ed25519.decodeint(k_bin)
A = ed25519.scalarmult(ed25519.B, a)
return ed25519.encodepoint(A)
Ps = publickey(sk_hex)
ps = bin_to_hex(Ps)
4. Public view key
Same elliptic curve multiplication here but instead of private spend key (sk_hex) we now use private view key (vk_hex).
Pv = publickey(vk_hex)
pv = bin_to_hex(Pv)
5. Monero address
And finally, time to generate Monero address:
- concatenate network byte, public spend key and public view key
- take Keccak hashing
- append checksum (first 4 bytes of hexdigest) to original data
- base58 encoding
def base58(hex):
import base58
return base58.encode(hex)
network = '12'
data = network + ps + pv
hexdigest = keccak(hex_to_bin(data))
payload = data + hexdigest[0:8]
address = base58(payload)
You can use the following mnemonic seed and verify the address with
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Also mnemonic seed to private key derivation is a subject for another post.