Bech32 segwit address


This is how to generate a Bech32 native segwit address in just a few lines of ZSH shell.

openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp256k1 -out secret.pem
key=$(openssl ec -pubout -in secret.pem -outform DER | tail -c 65 | xxd -p -c 65)
sha256=$(echo $key | xxd -r -p | openssl sha256 | cut -f 2 -d ' ')
ripemd160=$(echo $sha256 | xxd -r -p | openssl ripemd160 | cut -f 2 -d ' ')
program_bin=( $(echo $ripemd160 | xxd -r -p | xxd -b -c 20 -g 0 | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | grep -o '[01]\{5\}') )
program_dec=$(for b in ${program_bin[@]}; do echo "ibase=2;$b" | bc; done)
hrp_dec=(3 3 0 2 3)
cs_dec=(0 0 0 0 0 0)
data=(${hrp_dec[@]} ${ver_dec[@]} ${program_dec[@]} ${cs_dec[@]})
source ./
checksum=$(bech32_checksum ${data[@]})
CHARSET=(q p z r y 9 x 8 g f 2 t v d w 0 s 3 j n 5 4 k h c e 6 m u a 7 l)
for v in ${ver_dec[@]}; do address+=${CHARSET[v]}; done
for p in ${program_dec[@]}; do address+=${CHARSET[p]}; done
for c in ${checksum[@]}; do address+=${CHARSET[c]}; done
echo $address

You can take the resulting address for granted or go to Bech32 address validator and check it for youself. The curious minds please read the details below.

0. Private key

The very first thing to do is to generate private key using OpenSSL command line tool.

openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp256k1

1. Public key

And extract public key in uncompressed form:

key=$(openssl ec -pubout -in secret.pem -outform DER | tail -c 65 | xxd -p -c 65); echo $key

Or compressed form if you like:

openssl ec -pubout -in secret.pem -outform DER -conv_form compressed \
| tail -c 33 | xxd -p -c 33

If you want to manually generate private / public keys then have a look at Bitcoin: private key, public key, address and Elliptic Curves blog posts for the nitty-gritty details.

2. SHA256

Then take the SHA256 hash of the resulting public key:

sha256=$(echo $key | xxd -r -p | openssl sha256 | cut -f 2 -d ' '); echo $sha256

3. RIPEMD160

And RIPEMD160 hash of the SHA256 hash:

ripemd160=$(echo $sha256 | xxd -r -p | openssl ripemd160 | cut -f 2 -d ' '); echo $ripemd160

4. Program data

For our simple P2WPKH address, the program (or the scriptPubKey) is just the 20 chars RIPEMD160 hash calculated above. As explained in BIP-173, we need to do the conversion from 8 bit to groups of 5 bit (2^5 = 32 right?) and take the decimal (base 32) values.

program_bin=( $(echo $ripemd160 | xxd -r -p | xxd -b -c 20 -g 0 | cut -f 2 -d ' ' \
| grep -o '[01]\{5\}') ); echo ${program_bin[@]}
program_dec=( $(for b in ${program_bin[@]}; do echo "ibase=2;$b" | bc; done) ); echo ${program_dec[@]}
10101 11101 01011 01111 10010 11010 00000 10100 11010 11000 01010 10010 00100 01011 10000 11001 01010 11110 00111 00101 10001 00101 01101 00001 01100 10001 00000 11110 01011 00010 11010 10001
21 29 11 15 18 26 0 20 26 24 10 18 4 11 16 25 10 30 7 5 17 5 13 1 12 17 0 30 11 2 26 17

5. Checksum data

Now we put together 3 different parts to create the whole data that we need to calculte the checksum for:

  • expanded human readable part (HRP): HRP is "bc" for mainnet and "tb" for testnet, expanded means that we concatenate {first 3 bits of each char} + {0} + {last 5 bits of each char}, it can be easily calculated but since it is hardcoed and I was lazy, I just dropped the final value.
  • segwit version: for now is 0 but it will change in the future
  • checksum placeholder: this is actually the checksum that we need to calculate, more details in next section
hrp_dec=(3 3 0 2 3)
cs_dec=(0 0 0 0 0 0)
data=(${hrp_dec[@]} ${ver_dec[@]} ${program_dec[@]} ${cs_dec[@]}); echo ${data[@]}
3 3 0 2 3 0 21 29 11 15 18 26 0 20 26 24 10 18 4 11 16 25 10 30 7 5 17 5 13 1 12 17 0 30 11 2 26 17 0 0 0 0 0 0

6. Checksum calculation

Alright, we made it this far, it's time for the heavy stuff :). The checksum calculation is quite complex and is based on polynomial finite field aritmethic, feel free to check Finite field arithmetic or implementation in Bitcoin which I took it for granted. I hope to write another blog post about polynomial arithmetic soon.

The logic is too long for one-liner shell script and I had to extract it as a function and without going into too many details, here are the takeaways:

  • the checksum is 30 bit long (6 groups of 5 bit each) and represents the coeficients of the remainder of d(x) mod g(x)
  • d(x) is the polynomial created from our data that is passed as argument
  • g(x) is the generator polynomial defined in BIP-173.
  • coeficients of these polynomials are not simple integers, they are values in GF(2^5) finite field, also called polynomials over GF.
  • GF(p^m) is known as Gallois Field where p is prime number (the characteristic of the field) and positive integer m (the dimension of the field) and are constructed using a set of polynomials, also known as polynomial basis.
  • addition and multiplication operations are executed mod g(x)
source ./
checksum=$(bech32_checksum ${data[@]}); echo ${checksum[@]}
28 14 21 13 25 21
  function bech32_checksum ()
      for v_i in $@; do
	  c0=$(( c >> 25 ))

	  # shift 5 bit to the left (aka multiply the by x) and XOR (aka add v_i value)
	  c=$(( ((c & 0x1ffffff) << 5) ^ v_i ))

	  if ((c0 & 1)); then
	      c=$(( c ^ 0x3b6a57b2 ))
	  if ((c0 & 2)); then
	      c=$(( c ^ 0x26508e6d ))
	  if ((c0 & 4)); then
	      c=$(( c ^ 0x1ea119fa ))
	  if ((c0 & 8)); then
	      c=$(( c ^ 0x3d4233dd ))
	  if ((c0 & 16)); then
	      c=$(( c ^ 0x2a1462b3 ))

      mod=$(( c ^ 1 ))

      # convert into 6 groups of 5-bit each
      for i in {0..5}; do
	  checksum[$i]=$(( (mod >> 5 * (5-i)) & 31 ))

      # return array expansion
      echo ${checksum[@]}

7. Generate segwit address

And finally generate Bitcoin native Bech32 segwit address. BIP-173 says that we need to concatenate 5 parts:

  • the human readable part: "bc" for mainnet and "tb" for testnet
  • delimiter: hardcoded as "1"
  • segwit version: for now it is "0"
  • program: program data constructed above
  • checksum: our calculated checksum

The first 2 parts are fixed but the last 3 needs to be encoded using the Bech32 CHARSET.

Here you go:

CHARSET=(q p z r y 9 x 8 g f 2 t v d w 0 s 3 j n 5 4 k h c e 6 m u a 7 l)
for v in ${ver_dec[@]}; do address+=${CHARSET[v]}; done
for p in ${program_dec[@]}; do address+=${CHARSET[p]}; done
for c in ${checksum[@]}; do address+=${CHARSET[c]}; done
echo $address
