BLS signature scheme


From a high level perspective this is how BLS (also known as Boneh–Lynn–Shacham) signature scheme works.


  import sys
  sys.path.append("/home/icostan/Repos/" )
  import bn256

  # helper function
  def h(msg: bytes) -> object:
      return bn256.g1_hash_to_point(msg);

  # public parameters
  m = b"Hello BLS!"
  G2 = bn256.twist_G

  # Alice
  k = bn256.rand_elem() # private key (orange)
  P = G2.scalar_mul(k)  # public key generation (red)
  H = h(m)              # hash to curve point (magenta)
  S = H.scalar_mul(k)   # signing (blue)
  # Alice sends public key 'P' and signature 'S' to Bob

  # Bob
  H = h(m)                        # hash to curve point (magenta)
  v1 = bn256.optimal_ate(G2, S)   # signature pairing
  v2 = bn256.optimal_ate(P, H)    # message pairing
  "YOU ARE A CRYPTOSTAR!" if v1 == v2 else "YOU SUCK!" # verification (green)


A bit of naming conventions first, because shapes, colors, and names have meaning:


  • capital letter: point on elliptic curve
  • lower case: integer or bytes array
  • *: elliptic curve (scalar) multiplication
  • PRG: Pseudo-Random Generator


  • ellipse: elliptic curve operation, points on curves
  • rectangle: number generator
  • diamond: large integer (scalar)
  • double octagon: pairings
  • triangle: bytes array


  • orange: private key
  • magenta: hash the message to elliptic curve point
  • red: public key generation
  • blue: signing
  • green: verification


0. Library

Import BN256 elliptic curve pairing library.

  import sys
  sys.path.append("/home/icostan/Repos/" )
  import bn256
<module 'bn256' from '/home/icostan/Repos/'>

1. Public parameters

Besides message m and generator G2 that are shown below we also know:

  • elliptic curves EC2 and EC1 with generator G1
  • target extension field TF.

but they are hidden in Barreto-Naehrig 256-bit (BN256) curve implementation.

  # helper function
  def h(msg: bytes) -> object:
      return bn256.g1_hash_to_point(msg);

  # public parameters
  m = b"Hello BLS!"
  G2 = bn256.twist_G
<class 'bn256.curve_twist'>

2. Key generation

This is as simple as randomly generating private key k then multiply by generator G2 to obtain the public key, which is another point on EC2.

  # Alice
  k = bn256.rand_elem() # private key (orange)
  P = G2.scalar_mul(k)  # public key generation (red)
<class 'bn256.curve_twist'>

3. Signing

To sign the message m Alice has to hash the message to elliptic curve and get a point on EC1 then multiply that by private key k to obtain the signature S which is a point on EC1.

  H = h(m)              # hash to curve point (magenta)
  S = H.scalar_mul(k)   # signing (blue)
  # Alice sends public key 'P' and signature 'S' to Bob
<class 'bn256.curve_point'>

4. Verification

Bob receives public key P and signature S from Alice and hashes the message to curve to calculate the same H point in EC1.

Now comes the beautiful, yet so powerful part of pairing-based cryptography. Bob uses generator G2 and signature S to calculate one side of the equation, then public key P and point H to calculate the other side, if equality holds then signature is valid.

  # Bob
  H = h(m)                        # hash to curve point (magenta)
  v1 = bn256.optimal_ate(G2, S)   # signature pairing
  v2 = bn256.optimal_ate(P, H)    # message pairing
  "YOU ARE A CRYPTOSTAR!" if v1 == v2 else "YOU SUCK!" # verification (green)
<class 'bn256.gfp_12'>

Pairing intuition

Now, the math behind pairings is quite complicated and to be honest I do not fully understand it (yet) but at least we can have a simplified visual intuition using 2 elliptic curves over rational numbers and a finite field.


You can also check the references below, lots of good resources to learn from.

Happy pairing!