
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) and digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) are more complex than RSA or ElGamal but I will try my best to hide the hairy math and the implementation details.

Here is the ELI5 version in 18 lines of SageMath / Python code. I use Sage because it provides elliptic curves as first-class citizens (`FiniteField` and `EllipticCurve`) and we can take multiplication operation for granted.

 1  p = 103
 2  F = FiniteField(p)
 3  E = EllipticCurve(F, [0, 7])
 4  G = E([97, 10])
 5  n = G.order()
 6  k = randint(2, n)
 7  P = k * G
 8  m = 6
 9  t = randint(2, n)
10  R = t * G
11  r = mod(R[0], n)
12  s = mod(inverse_mod(t, n) * (m + r * k), n)
13  inv_s = inverse_mod(int(s), n)
14  u = mod(m * inv_s, n)
15  v = mod(r * inv_s, n)
16  F = int(u) * G + int(v) * P
17  f = mod(F[0], n)
18  print "YOU ARE A CRYPTOSTAR!" if r == f else "YOU SUCK!"


Besides lines #7, #10 and #16 that involves multiplication between a scalar and a point on elliptic curve, everything else is just modular arithmetic and two multiplicative inverse calculations (line #12 and #13)

Please have a look at Elliptic curves post for an introduction to elliptic curves then keep reading if you want line by line explanations and a few elliptic curve graphs.

Elliptic curve multiplication trapdoor

First thing first, let’s define the elliptic curve parameters and notations:

1  p = 103
2  F = FiniteField(p)
3  E = EllipticCurve(F, [0, 7])
4  G = E([97, 10])
5  n = G.order()

Variable notations:

  • uppercase letter - elements of the elliptic curve like finite fields (F), elliptic curve itself (E) or point on elliptic curve (G)
  • lowercase letter - scalar value like the secret key (k)

Domain parameters:

  • p - prime number
  • F - finite field
  • 0,7 - coefficients for elliptic curve
  • E - elliptic curve
  • G - point generator
  • n - order (the number of points) of the cyclic subgroup generated by `G`

Now, it’s time to generate the secret key `k` and calculate the public key `P` using the trapdoor function called Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP).

This is the bread and the butter of elliptic curve cryptography, given the generator `G` and public key `P’ it is infeasible to calculate the secret key `k`, hence the trapdoor

6  k = randint(2, n)
7  P = k * G

If you are curious how elliptic curve point `P` looks like then it is nothing than a Cartesian (x,y) coordinate:


(65 : 31 : 1)


Let’s sign the message `m` and for this we need to generate a random integer `t` of order `n` and calculate the `R` point on elliptic curve.

 8  m = 6
 9  t = randint(2, n)
10  R = t * G
11  r = mod(R[0], n)
12  s = mod(inverse_mod(t, n) * (m + r * k), n)

The signature itself has two numbers `r` and `s` that are sent to third-party for verification:

  • r - the `x` coordinate of point `R`
  • s - is calculated with `s = (m + r*k) / t` but we use multiplication with inverse instead of division.

And this is how our signature looks like:

[r, s]

[66, 51]


Given the signature `r, s` above and `G, P, r and n` that are public information we need to calculate the equation `F = u*G + v*P` where `u = m/s` and `v = r/s`.

The signature is valid if `R.x == F.x` is true, in other words the `x` coordinates are the same.

13  inv_s = inverse_mod(int(s), n)
14  u = mod(m * inv_s, n)
15  v = mod(r * inv_s, n)
16  F = int(u) * G + int(v) * P
17  f = mod(F[0], n)
18  print "YOU ARE A CRYPTOSTAR!" if r == f else "YOU SUCK!"



Remember that uppercase letters are points on elliptic curve, lowercase are scalars:

1  R == u*G + v*P
2  R == u*G + v*k*P
3  R == m/s * G + r/s * k*G
4  R == m/s * G + r*k/s * G
5  R == (m + r*k)/s * G
6  R == (m + r*k)/((m + r*k)/t) * G

As always we will do the math backwards:

  1. start with the equation of signature verification and substitute public key `P`
  2. substitute `u` and `v`
  3. multiplication is commutative and we can put `r` and `k` together
  4. extract `G` and `s` as factors
  5. substitute `s`
  6. after reduction we are left with `t*G`

And the intuition is valid if the `x` coordinates on both sides of the equation are equal.

print "MAGIC" if R[0] == (int((m + r*k)*t/(m + r*k)) * G)[0] else "ERROR"